Sadly, just as the first night, the recording is disappointing, maybe even a little more so. But to every down side is an upside. In the description the taper is pretty straight forward about the quality of the tape.
A scalped GA ticket from the parking lot put me dead center on the floor, about ten feet in front of the soundboard, where the mix sounded spectacular. I was surrounded by some very good but fairly loud folks who you’ll be getting to know rather intimately as you listen. Playing the tape back, I do wish they’d have kept it down a little, but who can blame them? They were smack dab in the middle of what you could feel was going to be a legendary show, and naturally they were having the time of their lives.
While all his effort doesn't make for a good bootleg, it does make for an excellent taste of the show courtesy of a few very present fans. Sometimes a bad recording is simply nice to hear because you can feel the enthusiasm of the crowd allowing you a good sense on how the show came across. The taper apologized for how the recording came out, totally unnecessary if you ask me. Every effort to get the shows on tape is appreciated and tapers simply do not control the circumstances under which they have to tape as much as they would often like. Tapes aren't professional recordings and how experienced a taper may be, sometimes the chips are down. Still this mess of sound makes for great entertainment for those who were there and freaks like me who want to hear everything at least once.
"Candy's Room"
Download the full show in mp3 here
Sound: 2,5 out of 5
Show: 5 out of 5
Artwork: None
There was the Ev2 master of the second Anaheim show. The show itself wasn't much of an upgrade unfortunately, but it did come with a killer third bonus disc, filled with goodies from this second American leg. You can download that CD here to hold you over till Flynn does a full tour compilation again.
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