Summertime has arrived in the Netherlands and that is always a good moment to catch up on my reading. Nothing better than bummin' around with a book in the park and some cold beverages. The first book I picked up is the recently released 5th edition of Greil Marcus' classic book on R&R, "Mystery Train". At first glance this book looks like an oddity, but proves essential reading for anybody who wants to gain an understanding of the medium. In the book, first published in 1975, Marcus tells the story of R&R by portraying three artists and a band; The Band, Sly Stone, Randy Newman and Elvis Presley. The artists of choice seem a little off at first, especially with hind sight. All except Elvis, their importance to R&R could be debated. With the Band it seems that the man they once backed, Bob Dylan, played a more pivotal role in the development of R&R, Sly and Newman beg the question if they even made R&R. Yet in Greil's book such questions become irrelevant. Marcus is not interested in reconstructing R&R's history, he is interested in what R&R says about America, the philosophical side of things. As such Marcus doesn't approach R&R in mannerisms, doesn't define it by rhythmic structures, but defines R&R as a force, as a powerful idea.
R&R is a totally unique art form in the world in the sense that it allows a window into America. R&R bears America naked for all the world to see. For us Europeans this has always been one of the exotic attractions R&R holds. No European music or other art form allows such a direct look into the very heart and soul of our various nations. Europe's history is too complex and ancient for any art form to grasp the entire notion of our individual countries. The US on the other hand, as Marcus argues, is still very young. The foundations of America, the promise that lies in its constitution aren't all that far removed from the people who inhabit the country now. Many Americans have heard from first hand how their grand parents came over from Europe. There are still people alive in America who heard first hand stories of slavery. Pick up Larry Crews biography "A Childhood" and he'll tell you what it meant to be a share cropper. Go to a Mavis Staples concert and she'll share memories of drinking from "colored only" fountains. The road to the America of today, with all its promises kept and broken, is still very much tangible in everyday life. Add to that the Democratic notions that are at the very fibers of American society and it becomes possible that an uneducated hillbilly like Elvis captures the essence of America's promise and terror in a three minute record.
Promise and terror are both sides of one coin that is both R&R and America is the argument Marcus seems to make here. As the great American notion, R&R holds a tremendous promise. That promise that the sky's the limit, that we are able to escape our mundane lives if we're willing to break loose. The latter seems the definition Greil uses for R&R in this book. Music that breaks through the boundaries, shocks people into awareness of their individual possibilities and that of their country, but which also holds the terror of failing, the mirror that shows Americas many mistakes in trying to achieve greatness. Reach high, fall deep is Marcus' argument here. Marcus' theory explains both the attraction of R&R in society as its rejection. R&R can cause great joy, place you on top of the world while at the same time confronts you with the great abyss. He makes his argument very effectively from the portraits he chose, how ever odd they may seem at first.
This book does a better job in helping you place contemporary artists and their function in R&R than any other book could. America's fascination with the rise and fall of teen stars like Britney Spears gains more context. After all if R&R reflects America, in Greil's definition Spears' bubble gum pop could very well be seen as R&R, what does Britney's fall say about ourselves and about the nation America is. What indeed did a song like "Whoops I Did It Again" say, with its uninhibited sexuality brought by an image of innocence. America's shock with Gangsta rappers like Snoop Dogg gains context in much the same way. It confronted the nation with harsh realities that not everybody was so willing to face. Marcus' book also helps you to place the controversy surrounding Eminem, in my mind the true heir to Elvis, Stagolee suddenly was white. Eminem shook up all kinds of latent racial stereo types that simmered under America's surface.
After reading Marcus it is easy to see how songs as "Rosalita" and "Born To Run" still get embraced so whole heartedly, it is easy to see why the songs on "Nebraska" make us a lot more uncomfortable. Not just because of what they tell us about America but also about ourselves. It becomes apparent why Springsteen made his best work of recent years against the backdrop of events that took away America's sense of security, and why his stance caused so much division amongst his fans. Springsteen's recent albums have confronted us with a side of America that isn't all that comforting to face. Springsteen has been asking question that are tough to answer, that sit easier left under the rug. "Mystery Train" is as helpful to make sense out of that unease as it was when it was originally released, the year Springsteen came out of hiding from those back streets.
Read Greil Marcus' original 1975 review of "Born To Run" for Rolling Stone here. Also for further reading an interview with Marcus from 2001.
I like this site a lot of effort goes into it I hope it continues
Thanks for this post. Greil Marcus' Mystery Train was an integral part of the research I did for my book about Sly Stone. Check it out at or
I'm revamping the Boot Tracker by combining them with your stories. One of the things I enjoy about the message boards are the touching, crazy and exiting stories that pop up from time to time. Great yarns on what impact the very first show had, wicked exploits, grand adventures, heart breaking tales, they've all passed by. I would like to give some of those stories a home here on Boss Tracks by combining them with the recording of your personal show of legends!
So if you were at one of those legendary shows, if you had a lucky encounter with the man himself, if you recall the very moment you were converted to the E-Street nation, let me know. Pictures to go with them are appreciated, but not necessary and it always helps if you own a recording of the show, but the story is what matters!
You can send your contributions to I look forward to them. And who knows, with Boss Tracks currently linked up to the official site, some one else might take a sneak at them as well. After all, the tour's over, what else is he going to do with his time!
Welcome saints and sinners, A while back as a big Soul music fan I started a blog called the Soul Shack. Almost immediately other things leaked into the blog besides Soul. Music and movies that weren't necessarily Soul music but did get to the soul. One of those interests was the music of Bruce Springsteen. I'm a big fan of the man and every month there were one or two items that just kind of sneaked in there. One of the main attractions to me about Springsteen is how you can trace the history of R&R through his music. Not only are his own songs littered with references to the past of R&R but the man also covered hundreds of songs from R&R's rich past. In all there are over a thousand.
A while back I decided to start chasing these sides, begin a collection of original 45 rpm records that Springsteen covered or overtly referred to in his music.Reason enough to start a new blog dedicated to the works of Springsteen and those who inspired them. There are a multitude of websites and blogs already dedicated to the man, but I feel this approach does have something to add to those corners on the world wide web.
So what to expect? In the coming years I will review songs that were either covered by Springsteen or referred to in his songs as soon as I find the original version on a 7" record. Real vinyl, no CD and certainly no mp3 or other digital format. Expect only the real deal here. I'll try to post about all those treasure troves I hope to find here. Besides that I will be reviewing Springsteen related material found on vinyl, records written or produced by him or members of his band.Every find will be available in mp3 format for a short period of time if possible backed with a live version of Springsteen if available. MP3 files are posted here strictly for the purpose of music criticism and comparison and therefore fall under the "fair use" guidelines of U.S. copyright law. If you find any material here on Boss Tracks that you feel violates your intellectual property be free to contact me at will be a labor of love and it is not my intention of stepping on any body's toes here.
To flesh the site out a little, Boss Tracks will also feature a monthly Bosscast. A pod cast dedicated to the music of Bruce Springsteen, the roots of his music and related artists. There will be occasional concert reviews, articles found on the net and in depth reviews of his own work. If there is anything you'd wish to contribute, Boss Tracks will be open to other users. Just drop me an e-mail if you've got a nice find yourself you wish to review!Hope to find you here chasing with me!
I like this site a lot of effort goes into it I hope it continues
Thanks, I've got a few items lined up for the coming days, so stay tuned!
i check every day
Thanks for this post. Greil Marcus' Mystery Train was an integral part of the research I did for my book about Sly Stone. Check it out at or
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